Washington Post forteller historien om de ukjente og skarpe videoopptakene av Armstrongs første skritt på Månen:

Only in recent years was the agency reminded of what it once had — clean and crisp first-man-on-the-moon video images that could be especially valuable now that NASA is planning a return trip. About 36 years after the tapes went into storage, NASA was suddenly eager to have them. There was just one problem: The tapes were nowhere to be found.

Ingen lykkelig utgang på denne historien så langt, takket være byråkratisk rot fra NASAs side. Så inntil videre må vi klare oss med videoklipp som altså ikke var uskarpe fordi kameraene var dårlige (jamfør videokvaliteten under senere landinger):

The original video from the moon was in an unconventional “slow-scan” format, made necessary because almost all of the broadcast spectrum was needed to send flight data to Earth. The format scanned only 30 percent of the normal frames per second, and it was done at a much lower than normal radio frequency.

(Takk for tips fra Lars Christian.)