pågår krigen i Irak for fullt. Guardians velskrevne reportasje Five days in the life of an invisible war følger en tropp marinesoldater stasjonert ved byen al-Karmah, mellom Abu Ghraib og Fallujah. Her får man et levende bilde av hvor marerittaktig krigen er blitt for okkupasjonsstyrkene: “I don’t know what the shade temperature was – somewhere in the mid to high 40s – but we weren’t in the shade. The heat and the light enveloped the platoon, bleaching the senses, tunneling vision. The tops of helmets became too hot to touch. Temples began to throb as if with a hangover. The heat and the fear silenced everyone after a minute and as the platoon walked forward, strung out on either side of a dirt track, the loudest sound was the rustling of the bordering green reeds, taller than the tallest marine, in the breeze.”